1MillionNFTs Project Review
1MillionNFTs is a crypto project with an amazing team behind them. They got their inspiration from OneMillionDollarHomePage and Reddit’s “Place” to start 1MillionNFTs. Basically, 1MlnNFTs.com is a smart-contract-based web3 platform on Ethereum blockchain with a 1000x1000 pixels grid. Each pixel is an ERC-721 NFT token with its location. ERC-721 tokens are the type of tokens in which each token is unique and can have a different value than another Token from the same Smart Contract. 1MillionNFTs users will have an opportunity to buy, sell, rent, and paint them to create any picture with any link inside and for painting pixels, you need another ERC-20 token.

There are 2 different types of token model in this project:
- ERC — 721 NFT tokens:- Each ERC-721 NFT token is blockchain-proven ownership of 1 pixel.
- ERC-20 1MIL Tokens:- These are the tokens that are needed to buy NFT-pixels and PAINT them to make some pictures on the grid.

- OneMillionDollarHomePage.com- It is a website that was created by Alex Tew in 2005. The home page consisted of a million pixels arranged in a 1000 × 1000 pixel grid; the image-based links on it were sold for $1 per pixel in 10 × 10 blocks. The purchasers of these pixel blocks provided tiny images to be displayed on them, a URL to which the images were linked, and a slogan to be displayed when hovering a cursor over the link. The website aimed to sell all of the pixels in the image, thus generating a million dollars of income for the creator.

2. Reddit’s “Place”:- Place was a collaborative project and social experiment hosted on the social networking site Reddit that began on April Fools’ Day in 2017. The experiment involved an online canvas located at a subreddit called r/place, which registered users could edit by changing the color of a single-pixel from a 16-color palette. Over 1 million users edited the canvas, placing a total of approximately 16 million tiles, and, at the time the experiment was ended, over 90,000 users were actively viewing or editing.

But these projects were not decentralized so mainly, creators made all of the money. This was the drawback of these projects that was overcome by 1millionNFTs by making this project decentralized and giving back the power to people.
- In the Token Generation Event, users will receive some percentage of the unlocked ERC-20 tokens.
- Users have 24 hours to buy NFTs in a reserved location and paint them once.
- Users can either buy more ERC-20 tokens to get all their reserved NFT locations or don’t buy and lose the priority to get these NFT locations.
- Users can buy, sell and rent NFT and ERC-20 tokens on a marketplace.
Public view:- Zoomable and scrollable mobile friendly 1000 x 1000 grid with all the painted NFT-pixels and user’s links.
Web3 Area:- ERC-20 wallet connect suitable dashboard, asset management, and ability to paint on NFT pixels you own.
Marketplace:- Easy to use smart- contract-based marketplace to buy, sell or rent NFT and ERC-20 tokens inside the community.
1MillionNFTs conducted their IDO on three different platforms- Yellow Road, A2DAO, and poolz.

After the IDO on 24th April 1MIL tokens were listed on Uniswap and Pancakeswap. After listing the token, it reached its all-time high of $44.

On 30 April MXC Exchange also listed 1MIL under 1MIL/USDT trading pair.

1MIL token also gained a spot in the top-2 of MXC Exchange Hot tokens leaderboard.

So far the project looks really good with a really different concept behind it. For growing it further my first suggestion would be to build a big and engaging community and gain their trust. For building a big and engaging community, reaching out to big crypto YouTubers and influencers to promote the project will be quite good as it will let a large audience to know about this project.

Creating social media handles of Twitter and Telegram in different languages will also be really helpful as it will be able to attract more people.
Also by getting a bigger community will help get 1MIL tokens list on big exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, etc. By listing on these big platforms will really help this project to reach heights.
At last, I wish all the best for the future of the 1MillionNFTs project.
1MillionNFT Social Handles:-
Website:- https://1mlnnfts.com/
Twitter:- https://twitter.com/1MillionNFT
Telegram Chat:- https://t.me/OneMlnNFT_community
Telegram Ann:- https://t.me/OneMillionNFTs
Medium:- https://1millionnfts.medium.com/